Saturday, August 31, 2019

Organisational Behaviour Report Essay

Conflict is not confined at the individual level alone but is manifesting itself more and more in organizations. Employees have become more vociferous in their demands for a better deal. Various departments in an organization face a situation full of conflicts due to a number of reasons like goal diversity, scarcity of resources or task interdependence etc. Conflict Dysfunctional Conflict can take an interpersonal form. Conflict between individuals takes place owing to several factors, but most common are personal dislikes or personality differences. When there are only differences of opinion between individuals about task-related matters, it can be construed as technical conflict rather than interpersonal conflict. Technical and interpersonal conflicts may influence each other due to role-related pressures. One may put the blame for low sales volume on the production manager not meeting his production schedule and may start disliking the production manager as an incompetent person. It is often very difficult to establish whether a conflict between two parties is due to manifest rational factors, or it emanates from hidden personal factors. Conflict Functional These types of intragroup conflicts arise frequently due to an individual’s inability to conform to the group norms . Most groups have an idea of a â€Å"fair day’s work† and may pressurize an individual if he exceeds or falls short of the group’s productivity norms. If the individual resents any such pressure or punishment, he could come into conflict with other group members. Usually, it is very difficult for an individual to remain a group-member and at the same time, substantially deviate from the group norm. So, in most cases, either he conforms to the group norm or is rejected by the group. Of course, before taking any such extreme step, he or the other group members try to influence each other through several mechanisms leading to different episodes of conflict. Analysis A lot of conflict is generated within organizations because various groups within the organization hold ‘conflicting’ values and perceive situations in a narrow, individualistic manner. An example that comes readily to mind is that of the managment-labour conflict. Labor feels that management is exploiting it because in spite of making a profit, management does nothing for the economic welfare of labor. On the other hand, management feels that the profits should go to cash reserves so as to make the company an attractive proposition for investors. Another example is the conflict between engineering and manufacturing. Engineering lays stress on technological sophistication and precision and is accused by manufacturing of designing products that will last for many years but that the customers cannot afford. It is maintained that since an organization is composed of individual and they had different perceptions of goals and dithering values, conflict is bound to arise in the organization. Managers of various departments have separate priorities and conflicting ideas about resource allocation. Hence conflict is the unavoidable outcome. Subordinates may clash with the manager over whether the work can be accomplished in the given period of time or not. They might even argue with subordinates at their own level over the best possible way to do a given job. Thus conflict is an unavoidable outcome but at the same time it is assumed that conflict need not always be detrimental. Under some circumstances it could focus on problems and instigate a search for better and more innovative solutions to problems. Though conflict can lead to more creativity in problem solving and be beneficial to organization under certain conditions, yet it is perceived that conflict as harmful— something to be resolved once it arise. The views about human nature are that people are essentially good; trust, cooperation and goodness are given in human nature. Accordingly, the major antecedent conditions which induce aggressiveness and conflict in people are the faulty policies and structure resulting in distortion and breakdown in communication. Hence the manager’s role in resolving conflict is to restore understanding, trust and openness between parties. It is not easy to build a strong corporate culture in any organization. A strong culture is based on strong ethics. This is very important for the success of the organization in the long-run. It is very easy to adopt short-cut methods to reach the top but the downfall also comes at the same rate. Ethics ensure that the organization does not adopt short-cut methods to achieve success; instead it stresses on the concept of sustained success. Every organization has its own code of ethics and standards in a written form. The code of ethics normally contains the following points: †¢ Honesty †¢ Fairness in practices of the company—Disclosing the inside information; †¢ Acquiring and using outside information—Disclosure of outside activities by the employer to the employee; Each organization has its own set of code of ethics. Making negotiations has been identified as one of the primary responsibilities of any manager. Negotiations may involve allocating resources, investing capital or introducing new products. If resources like men, money, machines, materials, time and space were abundant, clearly any planning would be unnecessary. But, typically, resources are scarce and so there is a need for planning. Negotiation making is at the core of all planned activities. We can ill afford to waste scarce resources by making too many wrong negotiations or by remaining indecisive for too long a time, Negotiation making under risk: A negotiation is made under conditions of risk when a single action may result in more than one potential outcome, but the relative probability of each outcome is known. Negotiations under conditions of risk are perhaps the most common. In such situations, alternatives are recognized, but their resulting consequences are probabilistic and doubtful. While the alternatives are clear, the consequence is probabilistic and doubtful. Thus, a condition of risk may be said to exist. In practice, managers assess the likelihood of various outcomes occurring based on past experience, research, and other information. A quality control inspector, for example, might determine the probability of number of ‘rejects’ per production run. Likewise, a safety engineer might determine the probability of number of accidents occurring, or a personnel manager might determine the probability of a certain turnover or absenteeism rate. Negotiation making under uncertainty: A negotiation is made under conditions of uncertainty when a single action may result in more than one potential outcome but the relative probability of each outcome is unknown. Negotiations under conditions of uncertainty are unquestionably the most difficult. In such situations a manager has no knowledge whatsoever on which to estimate the likely occurrence of various alternatives. Negotiations under uncertainty generally occur in cases where no historical data are available from which to infer probabilities or in instances which are so novel and complex that it is impossible to make comparative judgments. Negotiations under complete uncertainty are as difficult to cite as example of decisions under absolute certainty. Given even limited experience and the ability to generalize from past situations, most managers should be able to make at least some estimate of the probability of occurrence of various outcome. Nevertheless, there are undoubtedly times when managers feel they are dealing with complete uncertainty. The number of factors to be considered and the large number of uncontrollable variables vital to the success of such a venture can be mind-boggling On a personal level, the selection of a job from among alternatives is a career decision that incorporates a great deal of uncertainty. The number of factors to be weighed and evaluated, often without comparable standards, can be overwhelming.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Grennell Farm

Introduction Grennell Farm is a corporation that is engaged in the production of wheat. Located in Iowa, the 2,000-acre farm was established by Jeremiah Grennell more than 20 years ago. The sudden demise of its founder has led the farm to be transferred to the leadership of, Mr. Grennell’s niece and chosen heir, Denise Grey. She was informed of her inheritance early in 2010. Ms. Grey works as an AVP in the consumer credit of a large New York bank. With the huge distance between Iowa and New York, she is carefully studying the advantages and disadvantages of retaining the farm’s ownership.This case presents the basic business financial flows of Grennell Farm for the year 2009 and the events that she had to deal with regarding the management of the business. QUESTION # 2 The price per acre for the land was used as the basis for recommending whether Denise Grey should sell the land. Based on the comparison, it is advisable to sell 100 acres of Grennell Farm because the pri ce per acre of $2250 is significantly higher than the original price ($187. 0) and the appraised price ($1050). QUESTION # 3 It would also help Denise Grey to evaluate the farm’s profitability and sustainability based on the following risks, liabilities and responsibilities, many of which are unknown based on the information given in the problem. Examples as follows: Tax liability Revenue gains may not be monetary Risk of loss due to bad debts Replacement of buildings and machinery Responsibility for the next season’s (2010) expenses

Impact of Radio Advertisements on Buying Behavoiur of Customer

MEDI-CAPS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT (Affiliated to D. A. V. V, Indore) SYNOPSIS OF MAJOR RESEARCH PROJECT â€Å"THE IMPACT OF RADIO ADVERTISEMENTS ON BUYING BEHAVIOUR OF URBAN CUSTOMERS† GUIDED BY : SUBMITTED BY: Dr. DEEPAK TALWAR VISHAL CHAWLA [PhD, Assistant Professor] MITM MBA III-SEM, MITM CONTENTS 1. TITLE 2. INTRODUCTION 3. CONCEPTUAL FRAME WORK 4. REVIEW OF LITRETURE 5. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 6.LIMITATIONS OF STUDY 7. BIBLIOGRAPHY. INTRODUCTION This study aims to analyze the impact of radio advertisements on urban customer towards buying behavior in retail stores and attempts to determine the role of radio advertising on broadcasting of information on the sales promotions. The impact of radio advertisements on the store choice and buying preferences are analyzed based on descriptive investigation. ADVERTISEMENT – The American Marketing Association defines advertising as â€Å"any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods an d services by an identified sponsor. The paid aspect of this definition reflects the fact that the space or time for an advertising message generally must be bought. The non personal component means that advertising involves mass media (e. g. radio, magazines, newspapers etc. ). Advertising is non-personal as it is not directed to any single individual. Secondly, the sponsor i. e. the manufacturer or producer is identified as his name and address is always contained in an advertisement and he also bears all the cost involved in the process.Thirdly, the producer can also promote an idea regarding quality, design, packing and pricing, etc. of any product or service. Thus, we can say, advertising consists of all activities involved in presenting a sponsored message regarding a product, service or an idea. RADIO – An electronic receiver that detects and demodulates and amplifies transmitted audio signals. RADIO ADVERTISEMENTS – It is the presentation and promotion of idea s, goods and services through radio as advertising medium.In radio there are short breaks during transmission of any programme which is filled by advertisements of products and services. Radio advertising is one of the tools of advertising which is effectively used for communication and positioning BUYING BEHAVIOUR – Buying Behavior is the decision processes and acts of people involved in buying and using products. In other words it is the process by which individuals search for information about the product , select, purchase, use, and dispose of goods and services, in satisfaction of their needs and wants. Radio is the most involving and powerful promotional medium.Radio’s ability to create dynamic promotional concepts, to build anticipation and generate excitement, to magnetize the audience and the exhilaration radio delivers for both audience and advertisers is unparalleled. Radio has made a comeback in the lifestyles of Indians. Radio has the reputation of being t he oldest and the cheapest medium of entertainment in India. The radio industry has been completely reshaped by the various private players that entered the sector after the government allowed foreign investment into the segment and opened the licenses to the private players .The Indian government has already given 338 licenses for FM radio channels in 91 big and small towns and cities. The current size of the radio market in India is Rs 300 crores and is expected to achieve the highest growth rate of 32 per cent in coming years. The quality of the sound and the music has improved significantly with the emergence and use of satellite radio. The audience profile has also shifted to the high-income group. Local advertising, lower amount of money spent by the companies to advertise on radio is an added attractiveness for the players.All India Radio (AIR) – the national service provider owned and operated by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting under the Government of Ind ia – is the largest player in the industry. Radio is an ideal media for marketing fast moving consumer goods because it can reach wide targeted listener demographics in urban territory. A large number of people listen to radio while traveling in urban areas and respond to the broadcast of various commercial messages. CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORKIt is a logical development, described and elaborated network of association amongst variables that has been identified through interviews, observation and literature survey. Identification of key variable is very important in every research study. It can be defined as:- â€Å"A variable is anything that takes different values† Dependent Variables – In my project, our depending variable is â€Å"Buying Behavior of Customer†. Independent Variable – In my project, independent variables are â€Å"frequencies of radio advertisements on air and purchasing pattern†.Intervening Variables – Willingness to buy. Extraneous Variables – â€Å"Sales tax† as sales tax has little effect on the buying behavior, so it can be ignored. REVIEW OF LITERATURE Bob Trowbridge Created on: October 27, 2009 In the research he examined that basic need which should be focused before spending money on any advertising campaign is to know your market. Who buys your product or uses your service? If you know the audience you need to reach, you are more than halfway to finding the proper radio advertising vehicle.It's not just the right radio station, but the right program. With some radio ads you can pay for a certain number of ads to run throughout the day (and night). Depending on the station, this can mean that your ad will be aired during music programming, talk radio, and or news segments. The ultimate feedback from your ads will be an increase in sales. But you don't want to risk your advertising money without having a pretty good idea of the success of your ads before the sales show up. Donal d pennington Created on: August 30,2007 People are good listeners always.That’s the reason that business promotion strategies via radio advertisement are globally accepting. With a well-timed ad, following immediately after a popular song, there's the psychological advantage of the consumer hearing a message while still in an â€Å"upbeat mood† from the previous song or maybe a funny joke from the DJ. So, most businesses placing an advertisement on the airwaves take the time to have anything from a special offer just for that campaign, or maybe a toll-free number in place for listeners to respond to in place before the ad campaign is even created Pornpitakpan and Tan, 2000Radio advertisements on sales promotions at retail stores are largely created with humor to add emotional value. Listeners perceive humor and develop attitude towards communication and the brand. The purchase intentions are higher for humorous advertisements containing moderate incongruity than those conveying message directly different levels of emotions such as warmth, love, longing and desire, happiness and amusement were elicited by different commercials of retail stores. The most memorable advertisements among radio listeners have been those that evoked the most positive feelings and were the best understood.However, need to acquire product significantly affect a person's interpretation and emotional experience of a commercial Radio advertisements drive consumers to remember messages differently in reference to the favorite jingle, program or music. Such beliefs of listeners help advertisement to stay atop of the mind and consumers unconsciously associate with it as a personally relevant information and have an enduring impact on their emotions. Short cycle radio advertising is developed to have an enduring emotional impact on an audience by facilitating their creation of personally relevant understandings of an advertisement.How to measure the impact of radio advertising c ampaigns Created on: June 02, 2007 Studies have shown that people are more receptive to what they hear, as opposed to what they see. In other words, radio advertising is often more effective than TV. Advertising TV ads are often seen as a distraction and a nuisance that always seems to appear at the worst possible time when you are watching your favorite show. However, it's been found that people find radio ads more acceptable because they are listening to the radio station they enjoy, and the feeling often carries on into the ads they hear.There are several ways to tell what impact your radio ad campaign is having. Fist of all, stations have a ranking system (through polls) that will rate the effectiveness of your campaign. Also, an increase in sales that corresponds with your campaign will also serve as an indicator RATIONALE OF THE STUDY The interest paid by the past researchers on the functions of radio advertising is considered as one reason of the study. As we know that advert isers ; marketers are more concerned to know what are the customer motive ; their purchasing pattern in order to use different trategies to influence customer behavior ; when we get our findings than we will give very fruitful suggestions to the marketing department of the organizations that we can increase their sale amongst the customers. RESERCH METHODOLOGY Objectives :- The study aim to see the effect of advertisement on consumer behavior by perusing the following objectives:- * To study the impact of radio advertisement on the buying behavior of customer. * To find out the receptivity of the advertisement due to appeal use in it. Research design:- DescriptiveHere in my research process, my purpose is to evaluate that what affects the customer buying behavior, which are the factors which influence the buying behavior, how radio advertisements affect the buying behavior of customer. So I can say that I am explaining an existing situation so our purpose of study is descriptive. Hy pothesis :- H1 – Radio advertisements drive positive effect on listeners towards determining store choice and buying probabilities. H0 – Radio advertisements do not drive positive effect on listeners towards determining store choice and buying probabilities.Sample Plan :- The data will be gathered from 50 individuals (sample size is 50). Each individual is chosen randomly and entirely by chance, such that each individual has the same probability of being chosen at any stage during the sampling process. Tools of data collection :- Primary data Structured questionnaire – For this study a self-explanatory questionnaire consisting of 15 fixed item responses was adopted along with the instructions. Questionnaire items contained informative queries about advertised brand and its consumption process. Secondary dataArticles , research papers, browsing internet Tools of data analysis :- After gathering the data, frequency, percentage and the mean will be used to analyze the collected data. LIMITATION OF THE STUDY Errors -Respondents’ Error – the bias of the respondents sometimes leads to wrong results. Also unwillingness to answer certain questions also bring in errors in the conclusion -Researchers’ Error ; Interviewer’s Error – sometimes the question can’t be properly put forward to the respondent by the interviewer and also he may be bias in a few cases. BIBLIOGRAPHY Research Methodology – C. R. Kothari, second edition, Wishwa prakashan. * Principles of Advertising – Monle Lee ; Carla Johnson, Viva books pvt. Ltd. * Effectivity of Radio Advertisement- Liezel Campbell. WEBLIOGRAPHY * http://www. helium. com/items/566995-how-to-measure-the-impact-of-radio-advertising-campaigns(Retrieved on 14. 03. 12). * http://sibresearch. org/uploads/2/7/9/9/2799227/rajagopal_wp-04-2010( Retrieved on 13. 03. 12) * http://www. emeraldinsight. com/journals. htm? issn=0959-0552;volume=39;issue=7;articleid=1931 055;show=html(Retrieved n 14. 03. 12).

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Pursuit of freedom Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Pursuit of freedom - Essay Example It was only after her husband’s death that Mrs. Mallard feels the true sense of freedom. The emotion that is clearly identifiable in the story is the emotion of happiness, relieve and contentment. We in our daily lives feel contented and happy when some work gets completed or we get rid of some difficult situation. I felt contented and relieved when I got rid of my loan as it was always depressing me. Mrs. Mallard gets contented and relieved when she realizes that she is after all free and on her own to do anything she likes. I also felt the same when I realized that I do not have to pay any further to the bank. I felt as if I was free to use my money the way I like and with full liberty. I felt as if some responsibility or restriction has left my way. Mrs. Mallard considered her husband as a hindrance in her way towards freedom and after his death; she enjoyed her freedom as she said, â€Å"Free! Body and soul free!† (Chopin 1894). She regarded her body as well as her soul, both fully at liberty without any repression from her husband anymore. I can be related to the character of Mrs. Mallard in a sense as she also considers herself free and I felt the same situation.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Stress and coping Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Stress and coping - Essay Example Again sometimes certain happy occasions are considered â€Å"stressful†. For instance the birth of a child, moving to a new house, or promotion in the workplace may prove to be stressful. This may be because one is not prepared to deal with such events. Stress is personal and there are different forms and levels of stress. How one copes with stress varies from individual to individual. Each individual looks at a situation differently and hence copes with it differently. Often people react to situations with fear and anxiety, all signs of stress, because these situations had caused stress in the past. For instance a student who has failed in an examination may feel stressful the next time he takes an examination. Every individual exhibits different coping skills. Hence two persons will not respond to a situation in exactly the same way. If a person responds to stress in a negative way it may affect health and happiness. By understanding the stress inducing situation and responding accordingly one can handle stress effectively. Today in the modern world life is full of demands, worries and frustration, all causing a certain amount of stress. Stress has almost become a way of life. Stress per se is not bad. In small amounts it may motivate you and help you to perform better. But when a person is constantly under stress it may affect his mind and body. According to Hawkins (1994), â€Å"†¦too much or too little stress can have deleterious effects on performance with resultant effects on the health of the individual and the organization.† Again, the impact of stress on health depends on our perception of the event that causes stress and how we react to the situation. Sometimes an event may motivate or even energize us. For instance events such as taking a vacation or winning a game may energize you. Sometimes we may perceive an event as stressful and react to it in a way that can have a negative effect on our mental and physical health.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

English Composition 1 essayThis paper is to be an argument; it must Essay

English Composition 1 essayThis paper is to be an argument; it must put forth a position about which reasonable, educated people can be expected to disagree. It must not present both sides of the story - Essay Example The use of tobacco casts deep effects on the health of a regular user. There are many diseases associated with the use of tobacco products. The use of tobacco products can cause cancer in many parts of the body. Children and women are more vulnerable to the negative effects of tobacco. This essay aims at identifying the drawbacks of smoking cigarettes and other tobacco products. This essay tries to make all aware of the reasons why all tobacco products should be banned. Smoking tobacco harms our health in many ways. In fact, the use of tobacco is akin to slow poisoning. The most famous and favorite form of tobacco products is ‘Cigarette’. Cigars and chewing tobacco are some important forms of the consumable tobacco products. Federal Drug Agency noted that use of tobacco is injurious to health (Federal Drug Agency). There are many diseases associated with tobacco usage. As per estimates by independent non-governmental organizations, more than 20 million people have been died due to use of cigarettes. There are many diseases associated with the usage of tobacco. In the US alone, smoking causes more than 480,000 deaths per year. The most dangerous diseases associated with the use of tobacco products are Lung Cancer, Oral Cancer, and other Cardiovascular and Respiratory diseases (National Cancer Institute).There are numerous harms of tobacco products. Cigarette, the famous tobacco product is also injurious to health. Smocking can cause cancer in many part of the body including Bladder, Blood (acute myeloid leukemia), Cervix, Colon, Esophagus, Kidney, Larynx, Liver, Oropharynx, Pancreas, Stomach, and Trachea (National Cancer Institute). Tobacco products also badly affect our brain and activities of brain. The effect of a commonly used tobacco product cigarette, as an example would further reflect on the related risks and harms. Generally, a smoker inhales 10 puffs on a cigarette in a 5 minutes time.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Kew gardens by virginia woold Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Kew gardens by virginia woold - Essay Example Impressionism considers the commonplace, and the snail in Kew Gardens is any day commonplace; so are the leaves and the pebbles, flowers and butterflies. Both the movements advocate powerful exercises in bold bright colours. Kew Gardens records strong intermittent flashes of colours by way of its beautiful images. Impressionistic works perceive movement as an immediate result of human experience. Woolf was keen on exploring the theme of movement in the natural and human world; especially in the human psyche. The inspired art work manifests this flurry of movements: the falling leaves, flitting butterflies, hesitant snail and the centric human torso that persists as a burrow of all-flowing thoughts, words, voices. The obscured human image in deliberate unfriendly black and brown, which on closer look is an optical illusion image, represents Woolf’s multiple characters and their tunnel of thoughts going berserk at various angles. It brings out the poignant isolation against the backdrop of the ravages of the Great War. Considering the image to be a female, it signifies the loneliness/widowhood a lot of women had to undergo following the war. If not, the image assumes the psyche of an alienated mind which is so palpably represented by all the characters, especially the senile man, William, Simon and the ponderous maid. The human profile also delineates the theme of introspection. The snail that is prominently depicted in the canvas is not a symbol of lethargy and despair. Rather it reflects a sense of purpose and optimism. The art work successfully encapsulates this idea by catching its profile in mid air, looking up and deciding. The display of reflections in natural light is a downright characteristic portrayed well in that-era work. The art work has successfully captured the shimmer of reflected light in hues of the red, blue and yellow petals that stud the corner crust of the canvas. Post-impressionistic genre believed in retaining the basic shapes and geometrical patterns as shown by the art work. There are heart- and tongue-shaped leaves, and the pebbles, butterflies, snail are depicted in clean sharp strokes. THE SHORT STORY Linear narrative takes a back foot in Virginia Woolf’s writing and she generously employs stream of consciousness and interior monologue to build up her story. Kew Gardens is set against the backdrop of an estranged world produced by the war and industrialisation. The reader has to plumb for the social context in which Woolf chose Kew Gardens. The garden was beautified by successive directors to reveal a Victorian glory. However, the war dealt a severe blow where the garden space was cultivated to cater to the food shortage. Its image was affected and modernist writers like Woolf couldn’t help sourcing this fractured view in their writing. Woolf offers us a splendid ironical treatment by choosing the setting of Kew Gardens-a place where people come for respite and recuperation. She emphasises geometrical patterns and deflected light. Thus the garden becomes an ironic symbol where human drama is rejected and the manufactured natural space becomes a walking ground for alienation and restive existence. The companionship of each pair is ironic too. They’re with each other but actually walk the ground alone. The old man may be the conventional spectacle of senility but we find that one in each pair at varying points of time

Sunday, August 25, 2019

VERY FORMAL letter Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

VERY FORMAL letter - Essay Example His majesty also attended various public events including the banquet at the Imperial Palace. As a result of his presence there, the Japan-Cambodia relationship became more solid. Japan has consistently delivered a commitment to peace, rehabilitation, domestic stability, and nation-building in Cambodia. As such, the country has been our alliance partner in Southeast Asia since the late 1980’s. More specifically, Japan has extended economic assistance with and without compensation for Cambodia to (1) realize sustainable economic growth and maintain a stable society; (2) aid the socially vulnerable; (3) cope with global issues; and (4) redress disparities among ASEAN countries. Above all, the Agreement between Japan and the Kingdom of Cambodia for the Liberalization, Promotion, and Protection of Investment intensified the relationship between our two countries. You may recall that your Excellency signed this Agreement while visiting Japan as a state guest in 2007. As a result, direct Japanese investments for motorbike assembling plants and galvanized iron plants in Cambodia are ever-increasing. In terms of a cultural aspect, we have made an effort on the conservation and restoration of the historic site of Angkor through the Japanese Government Team for Safeguarding Angkor since the Inter-governmental Conference on the Safeguarding and Development of the Historic Site of Angkor, which was held in Tokyo in 1993. There is an expression in Japanese that translates to English as â€Å"Have the form but not the spirit.† We strongly believe that the â€Å"spirit† in a country-to-country relationship is a cordial human exchange at the private level, as well as investment activities. It just so happens that your country is currently in the middle of national promotion of agricultural sector enhancement, infrastructure rehabilitation and construction, private sector development, employment generation, and human resource

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Franchising & Small Case Study Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Franchising & Small Case Study Analysis - Essay Example In addition, the nature of the business assures customers of different income backgrounds. In this sense, it is possible to have daily substantial sales (Lundahl, 2012). The business has two modes of serving customers. This pertains to internal partaking of food and delivery services. In most instances, customers partake of already prepared fries and artificial juice products. It is vital to note that preparation of natural juices might take different dimensions as concerns the taste and preference of customers. The institutions and businesses provide a significant market to Bucking Bull’s products as the outlet delivers food and drinks to the same. There are two types of delivery services. They are either on short or long term delivery terms. Short term delivery plans depend on daily orders. On the other hand, the business might deliver larger quantities of foods on monthly agreements and contracts with businesses. It is vital to stress that there is substantial competition in Bucking’s venue of conducting business. This relates to the mushrooming of smaller food outlets. The chance for expansion, in the industry, places Bucking at a vulnerable position for succumbing to competitive pressure (Andrews, 2007). This is because new businesses are tactful at satisfying loopholes of existing businesses. However, this is mitigated by creating a customer loyalty of following their recommendations for improvement of business. The first innovation pertains to value addition services and development of a brand that customers would associate with the same. It is vital to note that food outlets usually study the recipes of the best restaurant. In this sense, they would normally make similar foods across a chain of different outlets. Therefore, a brand name establishes a competitive edge that improvement in food services would not accomplish. A brand name is vital in pushing up revenues as more customers are

Friday, August 23, 2019

Final A for ANTH100 D002 Spr 13 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Final A for ANTH100 D002 Spr 13 - Assignment Example As the societies changed, many misperceptions developed. People started to think that those groups of people who survive on hunting and gathering are usually weak, poor and malnourished. The research shows that these hunters and gatherers rather suffer less starvation and are better nourished than many of the agriculturalists. They also tend to face infrequent famines and obtain a greater variety of foods. Many years ago these hunters and gatherers in foraging societies lived in different geographical areas as they changed their places seasonally. They lived in places like tents or small huts and moved as soon as the supplies of food started to exhaust. These hunters and gatherers never had a relatively respectable place in the society ever since the people divided into geographical and cultural locations. As many developments took place, there were lesser locations which consisted of wild plants and animals that could be hunted and gathered, thus these groups of people left for the wild areas. For hunting and gathering the hunters require a large area of land thus in developed societies they could not form their forage societies (Nanda, 2013). 2. Larger societies include groups whose organization can be categorized as bands, tribes, chiefdoms, and states. What type of organizational structure would you argue that the Hutterites fall under? Please explain your reasoning. The Hutterites are communities of a group of religious people who follow their traditions and sacred cultures and fight the modern cultures of the world outside. Almost all of these people are related to one another and they hold on to the old traditions of their ancestors. Their basic source of income is through their farming practices but their people have now started to rely on manufacturing work as surviving on farming alone is hard. The Hutterites’ colonies can be classified as tribes in the organizational structure. This is because these groups of people have a common culture, comm on tradition, common ancestors, are related to one another, common language, a political organization and a definite territory. Hutterites may not be classified as bands as they consist of no more than 100 members of the same family. Chiefdoms have positions and ranks of people which direct the highest ranked member of the society and the lowest ranked member; however there is no hierarchy of power in Hutterite colonies. States must have their own economy and a centralized government which is absent in the Hutterite colonies. Thus, these colonies can be regarded as tribes as they have all the features of a tribe; common religion, tradition, language, name and ancestors. The Hutterite colonies consist of elected members who are the ministers, trustees and directors. They are the permanent leaders of the colonies and direct the members to act accordingly to avoid conflicts. These colonies are self sufficient and do not contract outsiders for their labor or other work (Stahl, 2003). 3. What kinds of evidence have been examined to try to determine the time of origin of modern human language? What answer to this question do these suggest? The origin of the modern human language is subjected to discussions since several centuries and yet no conclusion has been made. The scholars fail to agree on a specific time or age in which the modern human language originated. The main reason why this topic has become a

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Legislation on Stem Cell Research & Related Issues Essay

Legislation on Stem Cell Research & Related Issues - Essay Example The actual research on stem cells began after the 1950’s when a cure for leukemia and several immune-deficiency disorders were sought that were life-taking (UK Stem Cell Foundation 2011). Stem cell research produced a cure for leukemia through bone marrow transport from a sibling and within no time, people began to look forward at the same to develop a cure for several other disorders. People still consider stem cell research potentially providing a cure for several disorders including renal conditions (requiring renal transplantation, neuro-dengerative disorders, cardiac disorders, cancers, etc, wherein no cure for the same has been found till today using other forms of technology. In order to generate opportunities and cure for the disorder there needs to be greater funding from the Federal government in order to pioneer and support the development of such technology. In the past, stem cell research has also worked real-time cures for several disorders. For example, a person who had a gene resistant to the HIV virus, stem cell research helped the person to stop taking antiviral drugs. ... logy and that in sporadic cases, cures for several diseases have been obtained, there is no evidence to point out that stem cells can in fact proved a cure for diseases. These two points into consideration, the Bush Administration in 2001 decided to partially fund such research and slowly phase out the use of such technology. Stem cell research also involves harvesting body parts and for this reason the Congress sought a ban (Wertz, 2002). However, it should be noted that the Congress sought a ban only on that research that involved destruction of embryonic stem cells that had the potential to transform into living beings. Slowly with greater mileage and greater studies that proved that stem cells provided a cure for various disorders that were otherwise incurable, slowly stem cells research was sought as a necessity. In order to regulate the funding and projects under the stem cell banner, the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine was created in 2004; any organization that wanted sponsorship for stem cell research had to approach to the CIRM. With greater pressure on the Bush Administration on the policy of banning stem cell research, a partial reversal of the policy was taken by the Bush government. The Barack Obama Government which came to power in 2008 immediately signed an Executive Order that permitted stem cell on human embryos. A clarification was issued by the US Federal Government in 2011, which said that the funds could only be used for stem cell research and not on destruction of human embryos. Hence, research projects that wanted to use federal funds had to have a clear and constructive purpose for stem cell research and not mere destruction of human embryos that would otherwise be obtained from the leftover embryos from couples who undergo IVF

Cyber war Vs Cyber terrorism Essay Example for Free

Cyber war Vs Cyber terrorism Essay In this time and era, we have witnessed the emergence of electronic resources as the most important development of the modern day communication system. Technologies such as cellular phones, home computers, the internet and websites have added another dimension to the way we live our lives today. This presentation seeks to address and analyse the negative and positive aspects in view of the introduction of computers and telecommunications techniques as follows: Firstly, it raises awareness with regard to the new age of crimes, termed as cyber crimes. The paper focuses, in particular, on the difference between the two common types of cyber crimes, cyber war and cyber terrorism. Secondly, the paper examines the limitations and impact of having graduates through e-learning. Thirdly and lastly, the paper discusses on whether computer practitioners should be required to have a practicing license as it is with other professionals such as doctors, lawyers and teachers. 1. (a) Difference Between Cyber War and Cyber Terrorism The end result of both cyber war and cyber terrorism is the same, to damage critical infrastructures and computer systems. The major difference being  that cyber war is launched by governments whereas cyber terrorism is launched by individuals or a group of individuals. Cyber war, often done in conjunction with traditional military attacks, is an organised attack by one nation against another nation’s information and communication systems with an aim of gaining an advantage over the enemy by disrupting their ability to fight back. Cyber war attacks often targets an enemies systems such as command and control systems, intelligence collection and distribution, information processing and distribution, tactical communication, troop and weapons positioning and so on. For instance, when the United States of America invaded Iraq, they disrupted the country’s communication and defence systems, crippling their ability to find and take down US aircrafts. On the other hand, cybe r terrorism is when individuals or terrorist groups use computers, computer networks and the internet against persons or property to intimidate or coerce government, civilians, society in order to reach political, religious or ideological agenda. The things that are targeted are power plant systems, telephone systems, transportation systems, water or oil pipelines, financial institutions and so on. ([online] Available at:†¦[Accessed 5 April 2014]) Cyber terrorism takes many forms. One of the more popular is to threaten a large bank. The terrorist hacks into the bank’s system and then leave an encrypted message for senior directors demanding for a sum of money. If the bank does not cooperate, the terrorist threatens to use anything from logic bombs to electromagnetic pulses and high-emission guns to destroy the bank’s files. Most banks would rather pay the money than have the public know how vulnerable they are for fear of loss of business. ([online] Available at: [Accessed 6 April 2014]) One practical example is where banks in Zambia have lost an estimated US$4 million to cybercrime through Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) withdrawals. This was reported in the local Post newspaper dated 14 June 2013. This was after the state police discovered a scam in which three foreign criminals had recruited and trained Zambians in cyber-crime. ([online] Available at: article [Accessed 6 April 2014]) Cyber terrorism can also include terrorists getting secret data from defence files, network with other terrorists, or raise and manage funds for terrorism by hacking. (b) Limitations and Impact of Having Graduates   Through E-learning E-learning has become an increasingly popular learning approach in higher educational institutions due to the rapid growth of internet technologies. Many foreign renowned universities offer all types of programmes ranging from Bachelor, Master and PhD programmes, to Short Courses. Essentially, emerging evidence suggests that having graduates through e-learning has substantial beneficial impact on social and economic development of our societies today and includes the following. It has enhanced skills development to would be graduates and their countries to cope with the demands of the 21st century where rapid change and globalisation is taking place. For instance, graduates have acquired an improved ability to conduct independent research, think critically to solve problems through the use of e-technology to communicate and collaborate. It has lead to an increased student turnover because of its flexibility and cost effectiveness and hence has broadened educati onal opportunity for many, especially financially disadvantaged students and those with disabilities. This has resulted in an increased human resource base and enhanced economic progress from direct job creation in the technology industry as well as from developing a better educated work force, much needed in developing countries such as Zambia. Online access promises a new access route for millions of students. This new approach of learning facilitates different students at different continents to attend the same classes almost at the same time. It has brought about improved learning methods and teachers have a more positive attitude towards their work and are able to provide personalized learning. On the other hand, although e-learning has brought about many benefits for students and organizations alike, it also has its limitations. In order to perform the tasks required by system, an e-learning environment requires basic state of the art equipment and minimum level of computer skills. Thus, a student that does not have the minimum computer knowledge, or have access to these equipment is disadvantaged and will not succeed in an e-learning program. Certain subjects, such as sports and public speaking, require physical exertion and practice. Thus, they cannot be applied in an e-learning environment. Needless to say, it can be a useful companion to traditional education for teaching backgroun d and technical information. A successful e-learning program requires students that are well organised, self motivated and have  good time management skills. In other words, an e-learning program is directly related to the amount of effort applied. Successful e-learning students are able to study independently and incorporate study time into their busy lives. Students that lack discipline and are not good at time management are disadvantaged and will not succeed. E-learning requires good reading and writing skills. Most activities and communications are written, and thus, the ability to efficiently interpret instructions is a critical skill to a successful e-learning program. Students that are not comfortable with the ability to express themselves through writing will not succeed in e-learning. 2. Are computer practitioners similar enough to other professionals that they should be required to have a License too? Licensing is not currently required for computer practitioners but is being considered by several professional computing organizations and is believed, in principle, as necessary as the certification and licensing of doctors, lawyers, teachers, hairdressers and other professionals. The question of licensing professional s in general is a very controversial and political question. Licensing generally means that to practice a certain profession requires a government licensee, usually administered through a professional organization. The general theory of licensing professional is that it is supposed to help the general public outside the professional to be assured that someone else is capable of doing certain jobs. For instance,  one of the top e-learning institutions, the University of Liverpool in conjunction with Laureate Online Education offer 41 distance learning courses from a wide area of disciplines. The notion that degrees through e-learning are perceived not to be as rewarding or valuable as full-time traditional degree has been proved not to be the case. In fact, in the late 1990s, the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education of the British Government measured academic excellence in more than 100 universities, including the Open University. Surprisingly, the Open University was ranked in the top ten of British Universities in terms of academic excellence. The only underlying difference between a traditional degree and e-learning degree is the manner in which information is conveyed. The traditional setup has been based on a face to face communication where students and lecturers are brought together at the same time and the same place in classes,  laboratories and recreation centers for the purpose of learning, whereas in e-learning systems use technology to separate the learner from the teacher, and the learner from the learning group while maintaining the integrity of the learning process. Follow up statistics placing the Open University in the top 10 with Oxford and Cambridge have been repeated for several years and cannot be statistically be explained as a mere coincidence. ([online] Available at: http.// [Accessed 3 March 2014]) The main focus of this presentation is to gain insights into critical issues confronting two major stakeholders in the new era of WBT, the student and faculty. The question at hand requires objective views on the advantages and disadvantages of WBT from a student’s point of view as well as advantages of WBT from the college’s point of view. It further requires identifying ways that studying from a website is better than studying from written text as well as discuss in details the social and economical benefits and limitations of E-technology in Zambia. Systems Development Life Cycle The second part of this presentation discusses a linier Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) which is a technique used to assist developers effectively develop information systems. ‘Gaining competitive advantage and improving information delivery will urge an organization to restructure its activities. The information system has to be developed to suite the business scenario and objectives. It needs to be carefully planned and activities well thought of.’ (Ndhlovu, 2009). Thus, in an effort to answer the question at hand a description of the stages involved in a SDLC using annotated diagram shall be discussed. In addition, the discussion shall also include a description of techniques which can be used to investigate the existing system of an organization identifying the advantages and disadvantages of each and also give an alternative to SDLC for developing systems. Having said that, details of the mentioned topics in question is as follows. a) Web-Based Training Advantages and Disadvantages of WBT: Student’s Point of View Advantages Utilisation of the World Wide Web is a current and extensive source of  information and relatively easy to use. Some of the advantages from a student’s point of view include the following. There is unlimited source of information on the internet as compared to textbooks and class lectures as it provides a variety and quality of learning materials. Encountering a new experience of sourcing information on the web increases a motivation to learn among students. For example, the web allows browsing from one link to another on a particular subject or topic Access to meaningful resources foster critical thinking skills and allows the student to see new ways of interpreting and evaluating information. For instance, gathering view points and knowledge from various internet sites cause students to debate previously held values and ideas which they may have had misconceptions. Gain of competence with technology by learning to navigate and use the web successfully, apply computer skill s, use of conferencing tools such as e-mail and listservs. Integration of technology with content-related work provided a more meaningful interaction with the subject matter. For example, students reflected on the lack of relevance in acquiring computer skills in isolation noting that when combined with content, those applications become a tool to improve learning in their field of study. Technological aspects of course assignments encourage cooperative dialogue rather than isolation. For example, e-mail and listservs are used regularly providing a valuable resource for support and collaboration among classmates for help in completing assignments, support with technological frustration and to share acquired skills or content resources. In addition, e-mail communication with instructors gives a student individual attention that is not apparent in a traditional coursework setup. E-mail utilization has many assets that face-to-face classroom contact lacks. For example, student need not wait for class time in order to get or clarify a piece of information. The student who would normally shy away and not ask a question in class or participate in a class discus sion are more comfortable using e-mail as a medium of communication and thus is not left out on the much needed information. For the student, online course allows them to integrate work, family and school more efficiently as it eliminates travel time to and from class for commuters. Disadvantages The positive aspects of WBT are countered with some frustrations that are  experienced by some students. These include the following. Student lack of computer skills, internet server being down, difficulty in accessing computer, use of obsolete computers and lack of technical and instructional support are some of the frustrations that a student may encounter. Required assignments are time consuming as mastering computer application tools and learning to navigate the web efficiently take up most of the time. Advantages of WBT: College’s Point of View Higher education is evolving, consumer needs are shifting, and competition for students is increasing. Consequently, institutions must be driven to some extent by the needs and demands of the consumer. To satisfy the unique needs of growing numbers of nontraditional students and to make graduate degrees more attractive and feasible, the availability of online courses and distance learning opportunities is essential. Most of the faculties consider technology applications in university courses as the wave of the future citing their main reason for wanting its continuity as mainly being the benefits they believe their students receive. Moreover, in this time and era, a faculty member who does not use technology is often considered out of date and out of touch with skills that are needed for the coming millennium. Faculty respondents consistently identified convenience and improved learning as advantages for students enrolled in Web-based instruction. Other advantages identified by facul ty are as follows. Students gain knowledge on how to use numerous technology-based applications such as e-mail, PowerPoint, listservs, graphics programs, and HTML, many of which are considered essential skills for today’s workforce. Students also gain comfort with the medium, anxiety levels are reduced, and they are more willing to explore the potential of technology applications. Students tend to become independent learners, are more motivated to explore related topics on their own, and develop critical thinking skills. The quality of completed assignments is often better than in the traditional classroom because students have more time for reflection and better access to resources. More information can be included in a course with the potential for students to expand on the information received by providing links to related sites. Many students will click on a link more readily than obtaining a print resource identified in a bibliography. Students learning how to access the extensive  resources available on the WWW, online databases, and other technology-based resources. Student convenience. For example, online classes provide students with 24-hour access, eliminate the need to travel or find parking, and eliminate scheduling conflicts with jobs or family. These advantages may particularly benefit graduate students and nontraditional students. Connecting s tudents with technology allows the student to become part of a global community. Information and ideas can be exchanged with other students and experts throughout the world using e-mail and listserv discussions. Collaboration and communication among students are fostered, as well as communication between instructor and student. Online Studying Vs. Written Text Studying Among the several ways that studying from a website is better than studying from written text three distinct ways include the following. Text books become outdated almost immediately after publication and cannot be updated until the next publication which may take several years down the line. Information on the website can be updated daily and printing errors are corrected immediately. Written text is limited to the information on the page whereas educational websites can link to an infinite number of other educational sites to give supplemental detail in as much as possible on a particular subject or topic. Textbooks are limited to the points of view of their authors whereas the website allows multiple view points, which is essential for critical thinking especially if the author is too vague about a particular topic. ([online] Available at: [Accessed 7 March 2014]) b) Social and Economical Benefits and Limitations of E-technology in Zambia Zambia is one of a number of countries in the Southern African region that have sought to include e-technology in its national development plans. E-technology is believed to contribute to improving development outcomes in two main ways: E-technology-based knowledge and products contribute directly to wealth creation. The use of e-technology contributes indirectly to national development through its impact in social and economic sectors such as agriculture, health and education, and by empowering individuals to take advantage of new opportunities. For example,  AfriConnect, in partnership with the Zambian Ministry of Education, have been piloting a project aimed at bringing web-based e-learning to schools in different parts of the country. The objective is to move from the traditional chalk-and-talk pedagogy to enquiry-based learning, while at the same time bringing the option of lifelong learning to people who have already left school. Individuals also benefit from the availability and use of e-technology in a number of ways. For example, by substituting phone calls for travel, which saves time and money, and by using e-technology to obtain information on prices, for their own produce and for purchases. In these various ways, e-technology can have a significant impact on a country’s ability to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). There are, however, also constraints on the potential impact of e-technology in many developing countries. These constraints include inadequate technical infrastructure, limited human skills to use available networks and services, the relatively high cost of communications equipment, and poor policy and regulatory environments. These factors reduce the scope for countries and communities to realise the potential of e-technology for development. Question 2 Solution (a) Model of the Systems Development Life Cycle highlighting the maintenance PhaseThe systems development life cycle (SDLC) is a conceptual model used in project management that describes the stages involved in an information system development project, from an initial feasibility study through maintenance of the completed application. In general, an SDLC methodology follows the following steps: 1. Planning Stage The existing system is evaluated. Deficiencies are identified. This can be done by interviewing users of the system and consulting with support personnel. 2. Analysis Stage The new system requirements are defined. In particular, the deficiencies in the existing system must be addressed with specific proposals for improvement. 3. Design Stage The proposed system is designed. Plans are laid out concerning the physical  construction, hardware, operating systems, programming, communications, and security issues. The new system is developed. The new components and programs must be obtained and installed. Users of the system must be trained in its use, and all aspects of performance must be tested. If necessary, adjustments must be made at this stage. 4. Implementation Stage The system is put into use. This can be done in various ways. The new system can be phased in, according to application or location, and the old system gradually replaced. In some cases, it may be more cost-effective to shut down the old system and implement the new system all at once. 5. Maintenance Stage Once the new system is up and running for a while, it should be exhaustively evaluated. Maintenance must be kept up rigorously at all times. Users of the system should be kept up-to-date concerning the latest modifications and procedures. (b) The systems development life cycle (SDLC), also referred to as the application development life-cycle, is a term used in systems engineering, information systems and software engineering to describe a process for planning, creating, testing, and deploying an information system.[1] The systems development life-cycle concept applies to a range of hardware and software configurations, as a system can be composed of hardware only, software only, or a combination of both.[2] The waterfall model is a sequential design process, often used in software development processes, in which progress is seen as flowing steadily downwards (like a waterfall) through the phases of Conception, Initiation, Analysis, Design, Construction, Testing, Production/Implementation, and Maintenance. What is systems development life cycle (SDLC)? (SDLC is also an abbreviation for Synchronous Data Link Control.) The systems development life cycle (SDLC) is a conceptual model used in project  management that describes the stages involved in an information system development project, from an initial feasibility study through maintenance of the completed application. Various SDLC methodologies have been developed to guide the processes involved, including the waterfall model (which was the original SDLC method); rapid application development (RAD); joint application development (JAD); the fountain model; the spiral model; build and fix; and synchronize-and-stabilize. Frequently, several models are combined into some sort of hybrid methodology. Documentation is crucial regardless of the type of model chosen or devised for any application, and is usually done in parallel with the development process. Some methods work better for specific types of projects, but in the final analysis, the most important factor for the success of a project may be how closely the particular plan was followed. In general, an SDLC methodology follows the following steps: 6. The existing system is evaluated. Deficiencies are identified. This can be done by interviewing users of the system and consulting with support personnel. 7. The new system requirements are defined. In particular, the deficiencies in the existing system must be addressed with specific proposals for improvement. 8. The proposed system is designed. Plans are laid out concerning the physical construction, hardware, operating systems, programming, communications, and security issues. 9. The new system is developed. The new components and programs must be obtained and installed. Users of the system must be trained in its use, and all aspects of performance must be tested. If necessary, adjustments must be made at this stage. 10. The system is put into use. This can be done in various ways. The new system can phased in, according to application or location, and the old system gradually replaced. In some cases, it may be more c ost-effective to shut down the old system and implement the new system all at once. 11. Once the new system is up and running for a while, it should be exhaustively evaluated. Maintenance must be kept up rigorously at all times. Users of the system should be kept up-to-date concerning the latest modifications and procedures.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Influence of World War I on Military Innovation

Influence of World War I on Military Innovation Although The Treaty of Versailles set up certain conditions that had to be followed, especially for Germany, the treaty did not stop Germany from carefully examining and analyzing WW I. Germany used the interwar period in order to use an after action review to develop different lessons and to carefully examine every aspect of military employment, not only during WW I, but also possible employments in the future. Signing The Treaty of Versailles, on June 28, 1919, year, between Allied powers and Germany, the WW I officially ended. The treaty had fifteen (15) parts and four hundred and forty (440) articles which defined different aspects of future postwar relationships between countries involved in the war, and also limited postwar development of Germany in various fields. According to part five (5) of the treaty, Germany was forced to limit its military capabilities down to the one hundred thousand (100,000) soldiers and four thousand (4000) officers, and in addition, the treaty prohibited Germany from possessing different classes of weapons. Facing strict and radical treaty demands, Germany appointed general Hans von Seeckt as commander-in-chief of the army, and that was the most important and most crucial element in German after war innovation. General von Seeckt put general staff in control of the army, along with officers corps, carefully choosing, promoting and leading the most capable a nd experienced officers, and the rigorous selection induced officers who were able to understand future military engagements. Soon after as a result of this change, German army became the only European force to undertake a ruthless, clear-headed analysis of recent military experience.[1] According to General von Seeckt, a detailed analysis was supposed to provide German army with enough materials and lessons learned which would become guidance and later on a doctrinal template for future army development. As he noted: it is absolutely necessary to put the experience of the war in a broad light and collect this experience, while the impressions won on the battlefield are still fresh, and a major proportion of experienced officers are still in leading positions.[2] In order to reexamine and analyze WW I, General von Seeckt established no less than fifty-seven (57) different committees, in various branches of the army, chaired by general officers and composed of men who had great exper ience and knowledge from WW I. The committee 57, as already mentioned was established in different army branches, chaired by most experienced officers-generals and composed of roughly four hundred (400) officers who had huge experience from WW I. Most of those officers already have developed offensive and defensive doctrines, which were proved during WW I. The task for committee was concise and straightforward, the committee was supposed to examine everything that the war had brought. The final product was intended to be a short and concise examination of newly gained experiences and should include following: What new situation arose in the war that had not been considered before the war? How effective were prewar views in dealing with mentioned situations? What new guidelines have been developed for the use of new weapons in the war? Which new problems put forward by the war, the solution was not found yet? The outcome and final reports and answers to questions mentioned above were robust and realistic assessments and provided detailed explanations of almost every situation that occurred during WWI, especially in the period between 1917 1918 year.[3] Examining those questions that general von Seeckt wanted to be reviewed by his committees, it showed that Germans used profound and complete research of last war reviewing recent battlefield experience as some kind of starting point for possible military engagements in future wars. Germans proved that creation of revolutionary military capabilities during a peace time definitely depends on detailed analysis of recent past.[4] Lessons learned from WWI, especially those developed from Committee 57 had been used to develop famous military doctrine Truppenfà ¼hrung (Troop Leadership). That doctrinal document was an intellectual framework that would guide the future military engagements, and how to conduct war at the tactical level both in the air and on the ground. As already mentioned, careful examination of recent past and lessons learned from WW I were incorporated into extraordinary Army Regulation 487 (Leadership and Battle with Combined Arms) or Truppenfà ¼hrung. This doctrine was a solid foundation for future military employments and actually was the way for future interwar innovation processes that Germany conducted. According to the new doctrine, maneuver played the most important role for future military engagements and those who would be able to move forces quickly with a combination of firepower and other enablers, would have a significant advantage. Offensive mindset, flexibility, initiative at all levels, exploitation and coherent leadership with decentralized execution down to the lowest possible level were explained in details and provided guidance for leaders at all levels in German Army. In addition to maneuver, the doctrine emphasized the ability to transform and ability to adapt. Transformation and adaptation were crucial p oints for decentralized leadership mindset that Germany army adapted based on experience and lessons learned from the previous war. Although Germany was restricted by treaty, army leaders realized that there was a need to adapt and transform to new technological changes such us mechanized and armored units, and according to that they were seeking how to incorporate tanks and other armored carriers into new doctrine. They realized that future warfare would be highly dependent on the integration of mechanized and armored units, artillery and other technological advantages and recently discovered utilities such as radios. They already examined British use of tanks and one of the reports from the 1926 year emphasized speed, ability to strike independently and combined arms maneuver possibilities. From the 1929 year till the 1933 year, Germans used the opportunity to train their crews at the Kazan tank school in Russia, and it will lead to the development of armored units with a combinat ion of firepower, maneuver, speed, radios and artillery fire support. Later on, at the beginning of WW II, this form of warfighting will be known as Blitzkrieg or Lightening war.[5] Development of Armored units tanks at the early part of the 1930 year in Germany, and the creation of armored warfare expanded military capabilities and possible employments, and when Hitler came to power, in the 1933 year, he initiated a massive rearmament program and requested development of first armored units. By the 1935 year, the German army had three armored (panzer) divisions and by the 1940 year ten armored divisions.[6] As already mentioned, at the beginning of WW II, Germans used Blitzkrieg as a new form of warfighting, combined with the maneuver, speed, artillery support, and close air support and shocked the rest of the world. In the 1939 year, Germany invaded Poland and using already mentioned a form of warfighting it took them less than a month to crush resistance in Poland. It is important to mention that immediately after the invasion of Poland, German army conducted another after action review in order to prepare them self for following actions. Next country on Hit lers wish list was France. The Invasion of France started on May 10th 1940 year, and for less than six weeks Germany conquered Belgium, Netherlands, Luxemburg, and France. The allied forces were defeated and forced to retreat to Great Britain. The French collapse was sudden and totally unexpected. The end came with the surrender of France on 22 June. Hitler insisted on signing the document of capitulation in the same railway carriage used when Germany had surrendered in 1918. The humiliation of France was complete.[7] The combined-arms and armored warfare were proved by the end of the June 1940 year. The devastating victory against France and allied forces was described by French observer flying high over the advancing Germans, he described the outcome: The German tank detachments that move easily across the countryside because no French tanks oppose them produce irreparable damage even though the actual destruction they cause is apparently superficial. the tanks play the role of th ose chemical agents that destroy not the organism as whole, but its nervous system. Throughout the landscape across which the Germans have swept like lightening, the French army, even it appears almost intact, has ceased to be an army.the enemy moves as he wishes...[8] Even though German Armed Forces were limited by The Treaty of Versailles, the treaty did not stop them to examine and incorporate the best practices from WWI into the newly developed doctrine, and to develop capable officers corps which will lead the German Army during World War II. It showed that Germany used interwar period for adaptation, innovation, and development of combined arms maneuver incorporating speed, audacity, tempo, radios, artillery fire support and close air support and decentralized execution down to the lowest possible units. It became clear and obvious, even today, that after action reviews play an important role in the most armies of the world. Lessons learned and their incorporation into different manuals with constant innovation and adaptation can help commanders and staffs to avoid any possible problem or surprise. For example, the United States Army is constantly conducting after action reviews and adopting the best possible practices in order to be able to answer to any challenge or threat. Since the 2001 year, when global war on terror started, the US Army adopted several manuals and operating procedures as a countermeasure for terrorist actions. Notes: Geoffrey Parker, The Cambridge Illustrated History of Warfare, Chapter 15, The World in Conflict, Cambridge University Press, NY, pages 299-300 2 James S. Corum, The Roots of Blitzkrieg, Hans von Seeckt and German Military Reform (Lawrence, KS, 1992), p. 37. 3 Murray Millett, Military Innovation in the Interwar Period, Chapter 1, Armored Warfare (Cambridge University Press, NY), pages 36-37 4 Knox Murray, The dynamics of Military Revolution 1300-2050, Chapter 9, Contingency and fragility of the German RMA, Cambridge University Press, NY, 1991, pages 156-159 5 Murray Millett, Military Innovation in the Interwar Period, Chapter 1, Armored Warfare Cambridge University Press, NY, pages 37-40 6 Geoffrey Parker, The Cambridge Illustrated History of Warfare, Chapter 15, The World in Conflict, Cambridge University Press, NY, pages 299-300 7 8 Knox Murray, The dynamics of Military Revolution 1300-2050, Chapter 9, Contingency and fragility of the German RMA, Cambridge University Press, NY, 1991, page 155 [1] Geoffrey Parker, The Cambridge Illustrated History of Warfare, Chapter 15, The World in Conflict, Cambridge University Press, NY, pages 299-300 [2] James S. Corum, The Roots of Blitzkrieg, Hans von Seeckt and German Military Reform (Lawrence,  KS, 1992), p. 37. [3] Murray Millett, Military Innovation in the Interwar Period, Chapter 1, Armored Warfare (Cambridge University Press, NY), pages 36-37 [4] Knox Murray, The dynamics of Military Revolution 1300-2050, Chapter 9, Contingency and fragility of the German RMA, Cambridge University Press, NY, 1991, pages 156-159 [5] Murray Millett, Military Innovation in the Interwar Period, Chapter 1, Armored Warfare Cambridge University Press, NY, pages 37-40 [6] Geoffrey Parker, The Cambridge Illustrated History of Warfare, Chapter 15, The World in Conflict, Cambridge University Press, NY, pages 299-300 [7] [8] Knox Murray, The dynamics of Military Revolution 1300-2050, Chapter 9, Contingency and fragility of the German RMA, Cambridge University Press, NY, 1991, page 155

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Development Of The Hospitality Industry

The Development Of The Hospitality Industry Historians have traced the development of the hospitality industry through thousands of years and many cultures Viewing the industry through lens of history is helpful because it reveals the strong relationship between the shape of hospitality and the needs and expectations of diffrents societies. Because societies will continue to change in what they want,the hospitality industry will also continue to change . Future leaders within the industry will need to be focused on the ever-changing workforce and the evolving expectations of the travelling customers. 1.Define the term Hospitality Industry and give examples, advantages, and disadvantages of their use in the hospitality industry. If youre one of the people who gets satisfaction from provide service with a warm smile , this industry could be right up your alley in no time. In the hospitality industry , looking good and presenting good is being warm and cheerful and making people feel comfortable plays an important part of the hotel industry.The industry covers a wide various of portfolios in fields ranging from hotel to hotel to tourism and public relations.Hospitality and leisure contain of industry within the food services,recreation,accommodation and entertainment sectors.The ministry tourism has predicted a boom in the hotel sector in the country and those in the city wanting to be a part of this boom can chose courses offered by several institutes and colleges.Therefore, there are private institutes in the city that offers courses that will help many students to become airline cabin staff such as flight crew. Flight crew are require to have a cool head in times and calm passengers down in the emergency si tuations and see to it that they are kept comfortable and safe. Their duities include serving ,selling , preparation of onboard food and beverages.with the advantages of the hotel industry there also comes the disadvantages too. The disadvantages are working later hours at night and be very busy whole day, sometimes you may even skip your lunch , dinner . The disadvantages are also required training and education for a hotel management career , one disadvantages is to enter a career in hotel management is a need to gain some education and experience . Almost all of the hotel chains require a bachelors or masters degree to enter management position. Usually , the specialization in hospitality or hotel management is preferred and always needed. Therefore , motels may only require an associates relevant experience . Formal internships may also can required in some cases.Work environment, Employment Prospects , is another disadvantages in hotel industry , despite having a certain degree , there are also many types disadvantages to the work environment and job duties of a hotel and as a manager in the hotel. It may be difficult to conduct a whole range of activities to maintain a hotels function. This adds pressure from the responsibility of turning a profit. Although hotel managers can create their own schedule , may times maintain a hotel business requires working a very long hour. Usually, managers are on-call. In most some nighttime work hours will be require. Creates problems of adaptability to forgein environment and culture and its also increases the forgiveness of the subsidiary, it may also involve high transfer and salary coasts .hotel industry may lead to high failure rate. May be subject to local government restrictions. hotel industry theres many advantages and disadvantages working in a hotel line is not an easy job to do. It has all the hustle and bustle . but , the advantages in working in the hotel line is you get to see the beautiful atmosphere an d know many different types of people . Some of them maybe proud some of them are very friendly. The disadvantages are the working in the hotel line is a very tiring job also. Despite their operating freedom and generally small scale ,independents confront more difficult financial challenges than chain hotel . They faced the highest failure rate in the recession of the early 1990s . In order to get off the ground , they usually must raise large amounts of capital and show a very early profit ,despite limited advertising ans sales budgets . Independent hoteliers develop all of their own operations systems , so they succeed or fail based on the effectiveness of these systems . These systems are often very expensive and require significant debt service . Charge a commission that can be as high as 10 or 15 percent of the room rate. CONCLUSION : In conclusion , once again if the employee acknowledges the request and at least fulfill it to the customer is usually satisfied. On the other hand employee disinterest or unwillingness to consider resolving the service encounter leaves the customers dissatisfied. Advantages and disadvantages also have their good and bad sides . Both must changes and improve. QUESTION 2 : INTRODUCTION : Government that bring tourism to an economy all levels make an effort to develop and promote tourists destinations . One way governments do this, describe as earlier by providing facilities and capital investment unkeep at government à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½Cowned destinations such national parks , monuments , and historical attractions. 2)Find out the factors that affecting travel and tourism. Explain in detail. Many Countries and destination areas seek the advantages that make tourism attractive.A healthy tourism trade benefits countries economically , socioculturally and environmentally . Carefully planning and management can help lessen negative impact. Economic gains and costs when a destination is developed for tourism , the wave of tourists coming in has a tremendous impact on the local and national economy. Therefore , local economy reaps the benefits at other times , it bears the costs ad outsiders take home the gains . Almost all destination require facilities and services nearby to satisfy the needs of visitors .Tourists usually spend money during their stay at a destination . Visitor spending provides income and profit for my businesses , hotel , restaurants , service stations , golf courses , grocery stores and souvenir shops. Business travel to a destination for conventions and meetings directly benefits transportation businesses , hotels and restaurants . Tourism also generates government revenue from direct taxation of tourism businesses and tourists. Local , state and national governments receive revenues from sales taxes , room taxes , alcohol and gasoline taxes , and user fees for parks , tollroads and other. Increase government revenue that may be used to improve the areas infrastructure can elevate the quality of life for local residents. Direct spending is money that goes directly from the traveler into the economy . This money includes payments for hotel rooms , restaurants meals , rental cars , recreation ,entertainment and souvenirs . Indirect spending is more income and further employment . For example : foodservice establishment ideally buy food and beverages from local suppliers . The suppliers make purchases from local farmers . Part of the money also supports employees who work in the hotel , restaurants , and other tourist businesses . The workers in turn pay for housing , buy groceries and so forth. Economic costs tourism also have a nega tive impact. One concern is the opportunity cost , that will be sacrificed by using a resource one way rather than another. For example : a community might have to decide between expanding an airport to bring in more tourists or allowing a manufacturer to locate on a particular piece of real estate . Leakage or money that flows out of the local economy to purchase outside resources . Many of the goods and services that are needed to satisfy tourists desires have to be imported. Thus , not all of the direct and indirect tourists expenditure money will stay in the local economy . Minimizing leakage is developing countries can minimize the loss of tourists income. For example : through trade negotiations they can reduce imports of tourism à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½Crelated-materials and support industries instead. Economic benefits of destination development can outweigh possible negative impact. Sociocultural impact the effect of increased hospitality and tourism activities on the ways individual w ith other members of the society may be positive or negative. Changing family lifestyle and cross-cultural may result in either positive or negative influences .Weathers and special events are things that travelers would consider when planning their travel guide.The tourism industry is affected by a various of different kind of factors. Some of these kind of causes certain venue while other people affect tourism as a whole. Even if someone is having on something like travel. For many people , travel is considered a luxury to be done with lots of money when times are good. Prices in gas / fuel always have an effect on the tourism industry First if people are spending more on gas they may never want to take long distance road trip. Airline and bus companies need to pay for gas as well, they may need added cost even when this goes up just a little .Natural disasters can have an influence on specific destinations , furthermore people are hit by a natural disasters then they will not be worried about travelling.Many local residents find their lives changed when they obtain tourism related employment. Young people may enter the job market for the first time when tourism development occurs . On the positive side , this may contribute to increase family income , allowing families to buy products that were previously creased their means. The changed in lifestyle may also lead to demands for better housing and changes in dress and eating habits . When local people adopt practices from tourists , this is known as the demonstration effect . The demonstrations effects can have a negative outcome , though , if local residents come to realize that even with their increase income they cannot afford to live like the tourists . A feeling of envy towards the tourists may affluent visitors may result. Tourism can also help preserve historical sites and culture. A wave of tourists from other cultures may have less disirable consequences . For example : the Pennsylvania amish had l ived quietly for hundred of years until they become a tourists attractions . Tourism businesses built motels , restaurants , and souvenir shops to serve the growing numbers of tourists. Tourism can contribute to the undermining of social standards and to the commercialization of a culture . Some people say that local artistic standards suffer when reproductions of na?ve crafts are mass-produced for tourists consumption. Tourism can cause displacement if local residents find they can no longer live in their community after it has been newly developed as a destination . An increased demand for land for tourists facilities can cause property values to soar . The negative effects of tourism may include discrimination . Hiring and promotion practices of corporations new to an area maybe against employees. A community may discriminate against transplanted corporate employees. When they are not enough local workers to build and manage the tourists businesses , workers may be brought in fro m outside the area or even the country . A sudden wave of large numbers of outside workers may cause resentment in local workers. This may be especially true if the incoming employees occupy managerial positions that can earn high salaries while leaving the low paying menial jobs to local workers . If local workers see a higher standard of living for the newcomers , they may actively against them. On the other side , if the culture and lifestyle of the local residents is very different from that of the newcomers , the newcomers may be uncomfortable in their new situation Furthermore , the impacts of tourism on the local environment can cause harm to sensitive heritage sites , for example , the Lascaux cave in France had to be closed to the public because the tourists breath and body heat were destroying the pictures left on its walls by paleolithic artists . The mere presence of the visitors warmed the air around them , which caused condensation on the cooler cave walls. When the dr oplets fell , they look with them pigments from the 17,000 years old paintings. Conclusion : Hospitality business may be competitive business but its very interesting. The tourism industry is also concern with the events that would draw curiosity to tourist and the area.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Patrick Henrys Famous Speech -- History Patrick Henry Essays

Patrick Henry's Famous Speech 'Give me liberty or give me death.' These famous words were uttered by Patrick Henry on March 23, 1775, as a conclusion to his speech delivered to the Virginia House of Burgesses. Within his speech, he uses the three rhetorical appeals (ethos, logos, and pathos) to convey a feeling of urgency toward the changes occurring in policy within the Americas implemented by the British government. He cleverly uses these appeals to disrupt the paradigm that Great Britain is going to let the American people have any liberty. The Purpose of this speech is to gain support for a freedom movement from the British government. One can see this when he states, ?Has Great Britain any enemy, in this quarter of the world, to call for all this accumulation of navies and armies He is speaking about Great Britain bringing their military to the Americas. This tells the people he is speaking to, ?[England has] chains which the British ministry have been so long forging.? He brings up this in his argument to bring to light the liberties that have been slowly pulled away from the people living in the Americas. Within his speech, and by looking at his diction and word choice, one could derive he is talking to an upper class group of men. He continually uses the word ?gentlemen.? His statement ?the worthy gentlemen who have just addressed the House? makes it sound as if he is in a meeting of elected officials and decision makers. During the first ...

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Personal Narrative - My Real Father Essay -- Personal Narrative Writin

My Real Father "Never forget the past†¦because it may haunt you forever. Regret all the bad things†¦cherish the good things. Look ahead always†¦but don't let the bad things from the past get in your mind." As a young child, there were so many incidents in my life that made me become the person I am today. There were rough times as well as good times. If I were to tell you all of them, I would remember half of them. I think some of my incidents really had some impact, and some were just simple ways of life. To tell you the truth, the incident that had the most impact on me has to be when my real father left me at the age of three. I never knew my father. I mean being a baby, you really have no experience or recognition of somebody else. My mother got pregnant at eighteen years of age. From what I was told, she knew my real father well enough that she wanted a child from him. As a result, she gave birth to me in April of 1981. She was so happy and glad for having her first child. My mother informed me that in the beginning she and my father lived well and tried their best to raise me. As time passed, my father was always drunk and cared less about anything. If I was sick, he never went out to buy me medicine or took care of me. He would just be drinking and complain about everything. My mother realized she was tired of him. He wasn’t good for anything. As my mother told me, he’d come from work and get into arguments and sometimes beat up on her. When it came to that point of physical abuse, she had enough of him. One day, he got into a big fight with my mom. He nearly destroyed the apartment where we lived. That night, he went to a bar and got drunk. My mother told him to never come back. Days passed and he never returned. H... ... my mother never mentioned my real father again. It’s like when we began talking about him, we just talked about the coward he was. In retrospect, now that I matured, I really don’t think about my real dad. He was just a stranger to me. I’m very proud of myself for being the type of person I wanted. I know at some point, I feel that my real dad wonders how I’m doing. I really don’t miss him at all. I mean I was able to grow up, go to school, and mature. I wish he knew where I’m at. I have all my needs, a nice step-father, a mother, shelter, food and clothing. I’m in college and at the same time working. That’s why I think for what happened in the past, I put it behind me and moved on with my life. Now, I look ahead for the future. I want to be success. I want to help my parents with money. Regardless of my past incident, I always look ahead and never turn back.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Effect of Slavery on Feminism in the Beloved Novel

This chapter presents a review of related literature and studies that serving as a background and frame of preference upon which conceptual framework was formulated. This material gave much background and information for the present study. Related Literature (12 page single space) p 7-21 2. 1 Slavery 2. 1. 1 Timeline of Significant Events. The slave trade had a long history.The first importation of slaves by the Spanish vessels from Africa to America took place in 1522. The first African Slaves arrived in Virginia, USA in 1619. The English colonies start the lawful establishment of slavery in 1660 which included the United States.The start of the big waves of slave importations into the English colonies from Africa occurred in 1700. The slaves start to outnumber the English Americans in 1720. The Quakers start to fight against the evils of Slavery in 1750. The French and Indian War resulted to the expulsion of the French army from many parts of North America for ten years starting in 1753. The United States war for independence from Great Britain started in 1775 in the war of Lexington and Concord. The United States finally declared that it wanted to be independent from the Great Britain on July 9, 1776 .And, the Continental Congress of the United States formally approved their Articles of Confederation on July 9, 1778. And, Massachusetts and Pennsylvania finally abolished the practice of slavery. Great Britain and the United States formally signed the Treaty of Paris agreeing to stop the independence war between the two countries and to recognize the United States as a new nation. And, the Continental Congress sends the new Constitution to the state for ratification on September 28, 1783. George Washington is proclaimed as the first president of the United States on April 30, 1789.The Bill of Rights that contained the first ten amendments were approved by more than three fourths of the United States territory and becomes part of the United States Constitution. The United States bought Louisiana from France for fifteen million U. S. dollars. And the members of the United States formally made a law banning the importation of slaves into the United States . Further, the White Churches start their religious outreaches to the African American slaves. The United States quelled the revolt orchestrated by Nat Turner in Virginia.Abraham Lincoln was chosen by the people as the sixteenth president of the United States on March 4, 1861. General Robert Lee’s Confederate army formally surrenders and ends the Civil War on April 9, 1861. The thirteenth Amendment was finally approved by the United States Congress. Lastly, the United States Congress approves with finality the fourteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution. This amendment gives automatic citizenship to the slaves. This amendment also punishes those states that do not comply in with the Amendment to remove slavery by taking away the rebelling state’s representation in Congress.Also, all free men are given the right to vote under the fifteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution The Beloved novel also had a theme entitled slavery. Slavery is described by the novel’s author as commonplace. This means that the people who have slaves are considered normal people. The people during this time period accept that slavery is an institution and its philosophy and mindset affects the lives of many people in the slave –prevalent parts of the United States. Consequently, slavery had its advantages and disadvantages. There are also good owners of slaves as well as abusive owners of slaves.Beloved speaks of Garners. They are the owners of the slaves like Sethe. They were very kind to the African American slaves. In return, the slaves like Sethe and Paul D. , another slave, respected the Garners. This happy cooperation between the Garners and the slaves came to an abrupt end when the Garners died. This novel describes the years before the C ivil War and the years after it. Morrison’s lyrical narrative coherently weaves together the supernatural and the tangible giving a literary masterpiece that pours out a dazzling achievement resulting to a spellbinding reading activity .They were replaced by the cruel leadership of the Garner replacement. The replacement was a man known only as school teacher. Paul D later stated that their happy home would only last as long as the Garners were alive. This was definitely true. Paul D. further reiterated that their happy home under the Garners would be shattered upon his death. The novel also dictates that the Garners are for against the practice of slavery. However, the novel identifies the slaves as just simple playthings or workers who were manipulated by the Garners to feed their fantasies and wants with the slaves as instruments.In a simple to read manner, Beloved author Morrison wants to paint a picture in the minds of the Beloved readers how big the problem of slavery i s. Morrison also indirectly gives clues as to how widespread and evil the slave trade was during those fateful time periods. The author, Morrison, also emphasizes that there are some ways to eradicate slavery. In the Bodwin home, there is a statue of an African American child. The statue has on it an inscription that reads â€Å"At Yo Service†. 2. 1. 2 US. WAR OF INDEPENDENCE.As a backgrounder to this research, George Washington led the Continental Army to defeat the Kingdom of Great Britain in the American Revolutionary War. The war took place between 1775 and 1783. He led the American Army to defeat the British forces in Boston. However, he was later defeated in New York. He counter attacked by crossing across the Delaware River into New Jersey. He won in the battle there because the British forces were caught by surprise. Next, the American forces overrun the two biggest British forces in Saratoga and Yorktown.George Washington united the different sectors of the colonial American pioneers in an astute manner. He negotiated with their new French allies and Great Britain to end its involvement in wars outside the American colonies in its Treaty of Neutrality in 1793 . Further, he was instrumental in a Central American government, the imposition of a national tax system and a central bank. He entered into an agreement with Britain to stop any future war between both of them. George Washington was one of the authors of the United States Constitution.He is famous for the line â€Å"four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conveived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. † This Abrahan Lincoln speech was delivered on the biggest and bloodiest battlefield of the civil war –Gettysburg. This speech brings the civil war combatants, supporters and relatives to the stark reality that George Washington has painstakingly created a new nation, United States. This sp eech was made by the current civil war President Abraham Lincoln during the burial of dead soldiers in a mass grave in Gettysburg .George Washington had pooled together the entire people in the colonies to rally behind his popularity towards independence. He expertly blended the different interests and political hopes of the people and the Continental military into one solid and strong band of brothers. He had been the secret ingredient that united the soldiers then. He did things by helping the different sectors of the military, the states as well as the Continental Congress to settle their differences amicable. He was skillful as a planter, politician and the first United States President .George Washington was very instrumental in creating a free United States with the Declaration of Independence as follows: â€Å"We hold these truths to be self evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these are l ife, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. † 2. 1. 3 Renaissance literature on Slavery in the 1800s. Many of the people in the South were changing starting in the year 1824. This precipitated from the passing of the Long Virginia hegemony. The humanitarian thought of the prior generations were slowing being replaced by new thoughts.The people were now more interested in the economic turn of events in their lives and their community. The people of the South kept holding on their policy on slavery despite the trend in the North to free the slaves. For, the Southern states’ main economic activity was farming. And the slaves were very useful in the plantations. However, the Northern part of the United States was more industrialized. Thus, the Northerners felt that they no longer need the services of the slaves. The shift from the prior Jefferson to Calhoun was inevitable to the Southerners.This means that the current economic realism had completely eroded the prior humanit arian idealism . There was no stopping of the change from small gentlemen planters over the inarticulate Southern yeomanry. The Southern mind was now focused on the assertion of Aristocratic idealism. The South had abandoned the Jefferson theories of equalitarianism that had been deeply entrenched in the people’s minds from Kentucky to as far away as Georgia. The South had abandoned the agrarian theories of John Taylor and the older Virginian population. The imperialist mind of the South was located in Charleston.The strength of the South could be found in the black belt. This belt started from South Carolina to the East and Texas in the West. For, there were more slaves than the whites in these areas. The philosophical theories of imperialism had spread like wildfire in the Southern American regions. The literature of the eighteenth century was focused on the plantations. Literary pieces during this period include the Anarchiad and Echo of Harford Wits. Other literary pieces included the private letters of an indignant gentleman . American literature during the 1800s was symbolic in nature.This was the style of American literature expert Charles Feidelson Jr. American writers during the accounting period Emerson, Whitman, Melville and Hawthorne tried to understand the American world in terms of symbols. They felt that this was the best way to unveil the significance of the phenomenal world they were living in. Feidelson felt that the rage to interpret American life was the inherent quality needed to produce quality American Literature in the 1800s. Here, the Puritans of this time period were too engrossed in the study of the meaning of self, world and the Puritan hermeneutic typology.The people here were busy trying to think what God’s plan for United States continent was for the coming years. Another American literature during this time period was The Rhetoric of American roman Romance by Evan Carlton. Carlton used Davitt Bell’s concept of starting a literary mastery with the theme of relation . 2. 2 Characters of the Story 2. 2. 1 Sethe Sethe is the star of the novel. The entire novel revolves around her (Morrison 1). It also talks of the people who are her children, her lover and her relatives. She is a slave in Kentucky. She escaped from the Garner residence named Sweet Home because they had died.The new slave owner, the school teacher, was too harsh on them. Thus, Sethe and the other slaves could not bear the inhuman treatment of the school teacher thus forcing them to fight back. This fighting back was in the form of running away. Sethe and the other slaves had to run away to freedom. However, Sethe was discovered barely a month after her bold escape. Upon being caught, Sethe slit the throat of her child, Beloved, in order to keep her from suffering under slavery when she grows up to womanhood. Sethe stands out from the normal African American slaves because she is bold and independent minded.This is what insp ires her kind. She even proudly stated to Paul D. that she will not run away from things on this earth. However, Sethe’s life has no direction. She spends most of her waking hours in her home, 124, trying to forget her past where she killed her own daughter, Beloved, and she was raped by a white American. This murder occurred when escaped Sethe was caught by the white Americans. Sethe would always miss her Beloved child even after killing her. Two men caught Sethe in Mother Baby Suggs house and took her milk from her. Thus, she was not able to feed her human milk to her children .2. 2. 2 Paul D. Paul D was an African American slave in Kentucky. He escaped from his white owners only after Sethe successfully made her get away. Paul D. continuously tried to run away for eighteen years but he was caught each time. And, he finally reached Sethe’s front steps in Cincinnati after his last escape try was successful. Paul D. also had a past that he rather forget because he cons idered it as a nightmare. He locks up this sad part of his past in his tobacco tin part of his heart. For, his secretive past horror was that he was often imprisoned in a cube that lay in a ditch.The reincarnated Beloved seduces Paul D. and tells him to accept his past as a normal part of life. Beloved aids him to finally lay his heavy load of a horrible past to rest. He is steadfast in his plan not to love anything in life too much because it would be only temporary. Martin Bidney stated that â€Å"I want to show that one of Morrison's chief goals in Beloved is to rethink and transform major British romantic poets. By taking a romanticist tour of Beloved, we can see with what startling originality she reshapes the literary past† . 2. 2. 3 Beloved Beloved is the third child of Sethe, the main character of the novel.She was murdered by Sethe at the age of one. She stayed on as a ghost for the next twenty years in 124. She is reincarnated on her twenty first year. However, she has the mind of the child. He return was due to her desire to be caressed by her mother and to avenge her death at the hands of Sethe. She tries to comprehend why her own mother would kill her. She symbolizes the many African Americans killed because of the color of their skin. For, sixty million Africans that were kidnapped and forcibly packed like fishes in the very tight ocean going vessels to be sold into slavery.Beloved had come back from the other world to address such hotly contested issues as justice for the slaves, morality and slavery . One Toni Morrison’s intentions for this novel was that the story would not end with the Paul D. rather, she wants this story to be told and retold so that many people from the current and future generations will not forget the slave past of African Americans. For, Paul D. finally laid to rest his nightmare as a former slave by accepting it as part of his heritage. Beloved successfully opened the eyes of Paul D. to finally accept his past and to move on . 2. 2. 4 Baby Suggs Baby Suggs is Sethe’s mother in law.She is the mother of her husband, African American Halle. The novel states that Baby Suggs had died eight years ago. Baby Suggs was given freedom by her white American owners. She was happy that her owner informed that she is a free woman. She feels that that she now owns the different parts of her body. She encouraged her fellow African Americans to love themselves for what they are. She spread the word that her fellow African Americans should endure all that the White Americans placed on them and everything would turn out fine . 2. 2. 5 Denver She is the living daughter of Sethe. She felt that the arrival of Paul D.has left her alone in a small corner of her mother’s home. Paul D. and Sethe often stayed to make love. Sethe feels that three is crowd because her mother and Paul D. were too busy sharing love with each other. And, Sethe feels that the boys and the girls of her time did not want to be her friends. She does not feel lonely because her lonely hours are spend conversing with her only friend. This friend is the ghost of Beloved. However, the ghost of Beloved is finally driven off by Paul D. 2. 2. 6 Howard & Buglar They are the two other children of Sethe. They ran away from Sethe when they were still thirteen years old . 2. 2.7 Stamp Pride Stamp Pride is another African American slave. He had to endure his horrible past. This past was his that he was forced to give his wife away to the white Americans so that she could be their sex toy. Stamp Pride worked actively against the forceful taking of his wife . 2. 3 Racism Beloved focuses on racism. The African slaves are classified as animals by the people during this time period. The novel focuses on the school teacher. The school teacher likens the slaves not as a human being but only as an animal. This means that they are just like the pet dogs and the working horses that Caucasians own in their farms.As animals, the Caucasian owners can do whatever they please with their property. And, the slaves are classified as property that the owners definitely will be useful in the farms of the slave states especially in the Southern United States territories. The African Americans are portrayed by the Beloved novel literally as having the same five senses that the Caucasian owners have. The slaves also have the senses of sight, hearing, smelling, touch and taste . Evidently, the novel Beloved emphasizes that the African American slaves are also human beings and should not be treated like ordinary cats, dogs, horses or any other work animals.The novel is replete with voluminous pages showing that the African Americans are torn between fighting for their freedom from slavery or to just accept the stark reality that they were born to be harnessed just like pet dogs and horses. Also, the tune period of the story is very volatile as evidenced by the thousands who have died on both the Union side under Ro bert E. Lee and the Confederate side under General Ulysses S. Grant. The civil war was fought by the Union soldiers because they wanted to free the slaves.The Confederate soldiers fought the war because they felt they had to break away from the United States and form a separate nation where slavery is allowed . The novel raises the issue of racism throughout the entire novel. It defines what freedom is to the slaves. Baby Suggs felt that she was free. However she had to right to privacy and property. For, the White Americans could barge into her home and search her place anytime of the day without need to ask for her permission. This what the white Americans did when they stormed her place to search for the escaping Sethe who brought along her children four children.Also, the Paul D. was not allowed to love whatever he wanted to love due to African American lineage. Racism is very evident because the African Americans had to wait in line for the white Americans to finish their groce ry purchases before they were allowed to enter and buy grocery items. The author, Morrison, emphasizes that being a free slave does not only mean NOT belonging to any white American. Racism has caused a break up of the African American families. For, the children of the African Americans would be taken away from them by their owners never to be seen again.This is due to the fact that Slaves are the property of their masters . 2. 4 Kentucky the 1800s Kentucky in the 1800s was a time where owning a slave is normal human activity. Also, many slave rebellions cropped up during this time period. People like John Trumbull had to find ways to fight out any revolt from their slaves . CHAPTER III RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODLOGY This chapter presents and discusses the method of research used and the procedures utilized by the researcher in this study. It likewise includes the sources of data and the treatment of data. Methodology of the studyThis investigation adopted the compare and contrast qualitative research method as this is the most appropriate way in determining the effect the type of business to the success of the business. In addition, the quantitative approach was included to complement the qualitative part of this research. The Archival Research is defined by Bordens, Kenneth S. , and Abbott, Bruce B. , (1999) as a non-experimental strategy that involves studying existing records. These records can be historical account of events, census data, court records, police crime reports, or any other archived information.This qualitative study is divided by two parts. They are: 1. Compare Motherhood and Feminism in Beloved 2. Contrast Motherhood and Feminism in Beloved. And, the quantitative study focused on interviewing twenty persons who have read the Beloved novel. The researcher took pains in reading, searching and analysis of the different parts of this study. The researcher examined the comparison and contrast of Motherhood and Feminism in Beloved. The historic al background is one of the main focus of this study including their success.The final phase was the analysis, presentation and the drawing of the conclusions and the recommendation. RESEARCH INSTRUMENT The primary research instrument and technique was used in the gathering of data for this study. In addition, the researcher used secondary sources taken from books and journals. These secondary sources had guided the researcher to broaden the point of understanding specifically the effect of Motherhood on Feminism in Beloved. The analysis of variance was used to compare the different topics found in Beloved and the respondents answers grouped according to Age, Gender and Highest Educational Attainment.The formula for Analysis of Variance includes Y i = e i where e i is N(0, ? 2 ) [2. 1] RESEARCH PROCEDURE The researcher seeks the primary as well as secondary materials as the best way to examine the effect of Slavery on Motherhood and Feminism in the Beloved Novel. After a through stu dying, reading and scrutinizing the different data, it is best to use the secondary sources as a basis for company business analysis and then coming up with the output – Results of the Effect of Slavery on Motherhood and Feminism in the Beloved Novel.